This year our female sport representative aspires to lead a successful, social, and fun netball team within the intramural. The team will play every Sunday in the league alongside fortnightly training sessions and weekly sport socials.

The team is open to all abilities and especially welcoming to those who have never played before as it is an accessible, easy game to learn and a great way to make new friends. This year we hope to make at least two teams to make it as enjoyable as possible, so would encourage anyone interested to sign up.

Please email Sammy ( if you have any questions or would like to sign up.


The Law club operates a well-established men's football team - the UBLCFC. We take part in the University's intramural league, competing against a mix of subject and residence teams from across the wider community. Games are played every Wednesday at 2pm. Alongside this, we frequently hold a mix of social events, providing an excellent chance to get to know those from across the society.

We are currently looking at recruiting members for the coming 2023/2024 season. If you have any questions or are interested in becoming a member, please contact Harry by email